Scale box – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE ProcessBook 3.2 User Guide User Manual

Page 159

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Visualize Data with Symbols


Scale Box

In the Scale Box, set the scale ranges for all tags.

Single Y Scale

Combines all Y tag value ranges onto one scale.

Multiple Y Scales

Provides a separate scale for each Y tag. This choice does not change

the scale min and max values, but allows them to be configured
independently by selecting each Y tag and making changes.
Regardless of your selection, you may independently configure the X
scale tag.


Autorange uses the maximum value plotted. You may enter an
absolute value here as well. Default is Autorange. Database uses the

zero plus span value of the tag in the FactoryTalk Historian Archive to
determine the max. Database with a data set plot uses the maximum

value plotted.


Autorange uses the minimum value plotted. You may enter an

absolute value here as well. Default is Autorange. Database uses the
zero value of the tag in the FactoryTalk Historian Archive to determine

the min. Database with a data set plot uses the minimum value


Selects the number format of the Y scale, legend entries, cursor

values, and ToolTip values:


Database format uses the displaydigits FactoryTalk Historian point

attribute to determine how many decimal places to show. If the
length of the number exceeds the displaydigits value, scientific

notation is used. FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook trims trailing
zeroes that follow a decimal point. The Database format option is

intended for use with FactoryTalk Historian tags only.

Shows all significant digits for a number except trailing zeros. If

the absolute value of the value is greater than 1e+7 or less than
1e-5, the format will switch to use scientific notation.


Most useful with very large numbers. The scientific format used for
trends displays in the format: 0.00E+00.

Custom (#,##0.00, 0%)
Allows you to enter your own number format. See the

Table of

Format Values

(page 340) for examples.
