Bars, Add a dynamic bar – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE ProcessBook 3.2 User Guide User Manual

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FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide


10. Click OK. The button is added to your display.


A Bar shows the current value of a tag as compared to a specified range of

For example, a bar may be used to create the effect of a vessel filling and
emptying, as the value changes.

The range of values can be the maximum and minimum values specified in
the point attributes, or, a bar can be designed to show a specific range of

For example, if a tag’s specified value is between 0 and 100 but it typically
falls between 0 and 30, a bar can designed to show that range. However, if
the value is outside the range of the bar, the bar will appear the same as a
value right at one of the limits of the bar.

The start of the bar may be within the limits of the bar. This lets you
display deviations from a standard or target value. Bad values are shown
with hash marks across the entire bar.

Add a Dynamic Bar

Creating a bar for a value allows you to see how the current value
compares to the possible range of values. Since bars are dynamic, they are
updated as the information changes from the FactoryTalk Historian server.

Bars may also be used to display the result of a data set query. String and
timestamp data is not supported on Bar symbols.
