Automation vocabulary – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE ProcessBook 3.2 User Guide User Manual

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Visual Basic for Applications in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook


Update a FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook display by typing new
tag names into a spreadsheet.

Although Automation scripts are not required to use a dialect of Visual
Basic, at the present time, that is the most common approach.

Automation Vocabulary

Understanding OLE automation requires some technical vocabulary.
Terms used in the FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook VBA Language
Reference Guide are defined below.


Accessing an object in an application and changing it or

using it without using the user interface.

ActiveX Automation Server

The application that provides data. FactoryTalk Historian

ProcessBook is an OLE Automation Server. It provides
access to its internal objects from other applications.

ActiveX Automation Container The application that initiates changes through scripts.

FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is an Automation

container, as are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and a
few other commercial products.


A specific item that may be manipulated by a script. For

example, a ProcessBook, a display, or a symbol may be
the object of a VB or VBA script.


An attribute of an object. An object with read-write
properties can have variable information assigned to it by

the script. A read-only property cannot be changed.


An action that can be performed on an object and may or

may not return a value. Sometimes called a function.


A procedure that executes whenever a particular action
occurs, such as a mouse click.
