Average color tool results - rgb average – Banner PresencePLUS Pro COLOR—PROII Camera User Manual

Page 177

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The table below describes the results and shows the color map. A color map is a visual legend showing the hue,

saturation, and intensity:
• Hue and Saturation are represented in the circular color map, while Intensity is shown as a gradient bar.
• The crosshairs indicate the average hue and saturation, and the line on the intensity bar shows the average intensity.
• The irregular outline in the color map includes all the individual colors represented in the ROI from which the average

color is derived.

HSI Color Map



A representation of average hue as an angle

in degrees around a circle, which will always

be between 0 and 359°.


A representation of average saturation as a

distance from the center of the circle where

0 is the center of the circle (and could include

the colors black, white and gray) and 100

would be on the very edge of the color map

circle. With a higher saturation number, the

color represented is more vivid.


The average brightness of a color, represented

in a number from 0 (black) to 255 (white).


Average Color Tool Results - RGB Average


: The average of the red color component, represented as a number from 0 to 255. Fully saturated red is a [255,

0, 0].


Minneapolis, MN USA

Banner Engineering Corp.

PresencePLUS Software Tools

