8 optical character verification (ocv) tool – Banner PresencePLUS Pro COLOR—PROII Camera User Manual

Page 228

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When the tool times out, it may have decoded part of the string before the time ran out. This partial decoding

is reported back as the Decoded String. In OCV, whenever a timeout occurs, it is considered NO MATCH even

if the returned Decoded String matched Expected String.

7.5.8 Optical Character Verification (OCV) Tool

Optical character verification (OCV) is very similar to the OCR tool regarding decoding an image and building the

Font Library. However, where OCR always feeds back what it decodes, the OCV tool simply provides success/failure

results; that is, OCV simply indicates whether or not an expected character string matches a decoded string. If the

strings match, then the result is Success. If the strings do not match, then the result is Failure.


The OCV Vision Sensor tool can be used:
• to ensure that the correct lot or date code is printed on a label or package.
• to ensure that the right labels are placed on the appropriate packages.
• verify string with a string that is received from Industrial Protocols.


The following are fields on the OCV tool Input tab:

Should I Use OCR or OCV?

on page 229

Decoded String Field

on page 230


on page 231

Supported Platforms

Banner Engineering Corp.

Minneapolis, MN USA



PresencePLUS Software Tools
