Ac flatness adjustment procedure (cont’d) – Agilent Technologies 75000 Series C User Manual

Page 107

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AC Flatness Adjustment Procedure (cont’d)

Example Program (cont’d)

4020 SUB Syst_err(Address)
4030 COM @Afg,@Dmm,@Pwr_mtr,@Analyzer,Secure_code$
4040 COM /Flat/ INTEGER Num_points,Max_con
4050 DIM Message$[256]
4070 OUTPUT Address;"SYST:ERR?"
4080 ENTER Address;Code,Message$
4090 PRINT Code,Message$
4100 UNTIL NOT Code
4120 !
4130 Load_magic_num:SUB Load_magic_num(Max_freq,OPTIONAL INTEGER Problem)
4140 COM @Afg,@Dmm,@Pwr_mtr,@Analyzer,Secure_code$
4150 COM /Flat/ INTEGER Num_points,Max_con
4160 INTEGER Num_cal_points,N,Div
4170 ALLOCATE Id$[50],INTEGER Block(1:2),Ac_int(1:2)
4180 !
4190 !Check firmware rev - if A.01.00 then exit
4200 OUTPUT @Afg;"*IDN?"
4210 ENTER @Afg;Id$
4220 IF POS(Id$,"A.01.00") THEN SUBEXIT
4230 !
4240 STATUS @Afg,3;Address

!Get path address

4250 !
4260 IF NPAR>1 THEN Problem=0
4270 Num_cal_points=27
4280 !
4290 Cal_step=Max_freq/Num_cal_points

!Step size

4300 !
4310 !Calculate N
4320 N=INT(LGT(Cal_step/32768)/LGT(2))+1
4330 N=MAX(N,1)
4340 N=MIN(N,8)
4350 !
4360 !Calculate Div
4370 Div=Cal_step/(2^N)
4380 Div=MAX(Div,1)
4390 Div=MIN(Div,32767)
4400 !
4410 IF Cal_step<>PROUND(((2^N)*Div),4) THEN
4420 IF NPAR>1 THEN Problem=1

(Continued on next page)

Agilent E1445A Service Manual

Adjustments 105

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