Smart guide preferences, Measure the distance between objects – Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 User Manual

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Last updated 6/5/2015


Use Smart Guides in the following ways:

• When you create an object with the pen or shape tools, use the Smart Guides to position a new object's anchor

points relative to an existing object. Or, when you create a new artboard, use Smart Guides to position it relative
to another artboard or an object.

• When you create an object with the pen or shape tools, or when you transform an object, use the smart guides’

construction guides to position anchor points to specific preset angles, such as 45 or 90 degrees. You set these
angles in the Smart Guides preferences.

• When you move an object or artboard, use the Smart Guides to align the selected object or artboard to other

objects or artboards. The alignment is based on the geometry of objects and artboards. Guides appear as the
object approaches the edge or center point of other objects.

note: Press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) to use the alignment behavior from Illustrator CS3, which uses
the center point or edge of one object or artboard.

• When you transform an object, Smart Guides automatically appear to assist the transformation.

You can change when and how Smart Guides appear by setting Smart Guide preferences.

Note: When Snap To Grid or Pixel Preview is turned on, you cannot use Smart Guides (even if the menu command is

Smart Guide preferences

Choose Edit > Preferences > Smart Guides (Windows) or Illustrator > Preferences > Smart Guides (Mac OS) to set the
following preferences:


Specifies the color of the guides.

Alignment Guides

Displays guide lines that are generated along the center and edges of geometric objects, artboard,

and bleeds. They are generated when you move objects and when you perform operations such as drawing basic shapes,
using Pen tool, and transforming objects.

Anchor/Path Labels

Displays information when paths intersect and when they are centered on an anchor point.

Measurement Labels

Displays information for many tools (such as Drawing tools and Text tools) about the current

position the cursor as you position the cursor over an anchor point. While creating, selecting, moving, or transforming
objects it displays the x and y delta from the object’s original location. When you press Shift with a drawing tool
selected, the starting location appears.

Object Highlighting

Highlights the object below the pointer as you drag around it. The highlight color matches the

object’s layer color.

Transform Tools

Displays information when you scale, rotate, and shear objects.

Construction Guides

Displays guidelines as you draw new objects. You specify the angles at which you want guidelines

drawn from the anchor points of a nearby object. You can set up to six angles. Type an angle in the selected Angles box,
select a set of angles from the Angles pop-up menu, or select a set of angles from the pop-up menu and change one of
the values in the box to customize a set of angles. The preview reflects your settings.

Snapping Tolerance

Specifies the number of points the pointer must be from another object for Smart Guides to take


Measure the distance between objects

The Measure tool calculates the distance between any two points and displays the results in the Info panel.


Select the Measure tool

. (Press and hold the Eyedropper tool to see it in the Tools panel.)

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