Compuprint 4247-X03 User Manual

Page 194

background image


factory defaults, restoring 53
Form Feed Mode, printer setup

parameter 105

Form Feed Suppression, parallel

parameter 77

FORM FEED, function key 34
forms (continuous), linking 104
forms (front), backing up 102
forms (rear), backing up 103
forms linking 138
forms parking 138
forms thickness (front), adjusting 116
forms thickness (rear), adjusting 118
forms, adjusting 31
Front Automatic Forms Thickness, printer

adjustment 116

Front Forms Backup, printer setup

parameter 102

front forms, backing up 102
Front Left Margin Alignment, printer

adjustment 117

Front Paper Load Position, printer

adjustment 117

front push

configuring printer for 15
forms specifications 145
Load/Eject key function 33
loading forms for 16
stack locations 147
stacking recommendations 147

Front Tear Position, printer

adjustment 116

function keys 29


getting started 1

configuring 15
installing ribbon 9
loading paper 16
locations 2
printing first document 19
unpacking 3

Gothic, parallel attachment 74
Gothic, parallel NLQ Typeface 75
Graphics Mode, IPDS Configuration 65
Graphics Print Direction, printer setup

parameter 111


heat output 166
host form feed 77
Host Name, LAN Interface 95


immediate ejection 109
indicator, Custom Set in Use 29
indicators, status 27
Init (signal), parallel parameter 78
Input Buffer Size, parallel parameter 86
Input Buffer Size, serial parameter 89
input source, defining 101

input source, power-on default 52

interface cables 25
template 8

Interface Type, parallel parameter 86
Interface Type, serial parameter 88
IP Address Assignment, LAN

Interface 93

IP Address, LAN Interface 93
IPDS Configuration 57
Italic, parallel attachment 75


Jam Sensors, printer setup

parameter 113



cancel print 36
form feed 34
line feed 33
load/eject 33
menu 30
micro/scroll 30
PA1/enter (Coax) 31
PA2/return (Coax) 32
park/path 32
set top of form 35
start 35
stop 35
test 36


language (print), IPDS Configuration 61
language (print), parallel attachment 72
LINE FEED, function key 33
line feeds, parallel 76
Lines Per Inch (LPI), IPDS

Configuration 58

Lines Per Inch (LPI), parallel

parameter 68

Lines Per Inch, parallel parameter 84
linking continuous forms 104
LOAD/EJECT, function key 33
loading, automatic 108

components 2

LPI, IPDS Configuration 58
LPI, parallel parameter 68


Mail Server Address, LAN Interface 97
maintenance 149

cleaning the printer

covers 150
inside 150

removing the ribbon cartridge 149

margin alignment (front left),

adjusting 117

margin alignment (front right),

adjusting 119

Maximum Page Length (MPL), IPDS

Configuration 59

Maximum Page Length (MPL), parallel

parameter 70

Maximum Page Length, parallel

parameter 85

Maximum Print Position (MPP), IPDS

Configuration 58

Maximum Print Position (MPP), parallel

parameter 69

Media Size Priority, IPDS

Configuration 63

Menu, function key 30
MPL, IPDS Configuration 59
MPL, parallel parameter 70
MPP, IPDS Configuration 58
MPP, parallel parameter 69


Near Letter Quality, IPDS

Configuration 60

Near Letter Quality, parallel

attachment 74

NLQ Typeface, parallel parameter 75
NLQ, IPDS Configuration 60
non-custom set, configuration storage

value 49


OCR-A, parallel attachment 74
OCR-B, parallel attachment 74
operator and service clearance 166
operator panel

audible alarm 29
display 28
function keys 29
status indicators 27
understanding 27

operator panel keys 29
operator panel language, changing 125
ordering signal cables 148
Override Host, parallel parameter 82


Pacing Protocol, serial parameter 92
page length (MPL), IPDS

Configuration 59

page length (MPL), parallel

parameter 70

paper bail 135
paper load position (front),

adjusting 117

paper load position (rear), adjusting 120
paper source 101
paper source, power-on default 52
Paper Source, printer setup

parameter 101

parallel configuration

alarm control 81
autofeed XT 88
character set 75
characters per inch 67
emulation mode 71


User’s Guide

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