7 servo ready signal, 8 servo alarm reset switch, Servo ready signal – ADLINK PCI-8154 User Manual

Page 83: Servo alarm reset switch

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Operation Theory



Servo Ready Signal

The servo ready signal is a general digital input on motion control-
ler. It has no relative purpose to motion controller. Users can con-
nect this signal to motor driver’s RDY signal to check if the motor
driver is in ready state. It lets users to check something like the
motor driver’s power has been inputted or not. Or users can con-
nect this pin as a general input for other purpose. It doesn’t affect
motion control.


Servo alarm reset switch

The servo driver will raise an alarm signal if there is something
wrong inside the servo driver. Some alarm situations like servo
motor over current, over speed, over loading and so on. Power
reset can clear the alarm status but users usually don’t want to
power off the servo motor when operating. There is one pin from
servo driver for users to reset the alarm status. Our motion control-
ler provides one general output pin for each axis. Users can use
this pin for resetting servo alarm status.
