Paxar Monarch 9850 User Manual

Page 27

background image

easier to read.
T,1,20,V,30,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p
T,2,10,V,50,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p

Spaces are ignored, except within character strings.

Indenting options improves readability of your formats.
T,1,18,V,30,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p
R,42,1 p

Use a tilde (~) followed by a 3-digit ASCII code in a quoted
string to send function codes or extended characters or send
the 8-bit ASCII code.

You can modify formats and fields with the optional entry method.
See "Optional Entry Method" in Chapter 6 for more information.

U s i n g O n l i n e C o n f i g u r a t i o n P a c k e t s

Use online configuration packets to change the printer settings.
You can send an individual packet or a packet that contains all
eight online configuration packets. You can supply all parameters
for each packet. Leave the parameters blank that you do not
need to change.
For example,


I,A,,,,1 p }

prints a slashed zero and uses the last sent online System Setup

Make a copy of the online configuration worksheet in Appendix D,
"Format Design Tools," and save the original. Packets A-M are
listed on the worksheet.

When you turn off the printer, all the information in the online
configuration packets is saved and used when the printer is
turned back on. After you change printer configurations, you
must resend the format, batch, or graphic to the printer before the
changes take effect.

Configuring the Printer 2-5

This manual is related to the following products: