Xylem 6-Series Multiparameter User Manual

Page 37

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Section 2

YSI Incorporated

Environmental Monitoring Systems Operations Manual


Note that the exact appearance of this menu will vary depending upon the sensors that are available and

enabled on your sonde. The asterisks (*) that follow the numbers or letters indicate that the parameter will

appear on all outputs and reports. To turn a parameter on or off, type the number or letter that corresponds

to the parameter.

Note also that since a 6136 turbidity probe was selected in the Sensor menu above, the units of turbidity are

presented as “turbid+ NTU”. If a 6026 turbidity probe (which was offered by YSI up until 2002) had

been selected, the units of turbidity would be presented as “turbid NTU”. This designation is designed to

differentiate the data from the two sensor types in later analysis.

For parameters with multiple unit options such as temperature, conductivity, specific conductance,

resistivity and TDS, a submenu will appear as shown below for temperature, allowing selection of desired

units for this parameter.

--------------Select units-------------
2-( )Temp C
3-( )Temp F
4-( )Temp K

Select option (0 for previous menu): 2

After configuring your display with the desired parameters, press Esc or 0 to return to the Main menu.

--------------Report setup-------------
1-(*)Date m/d/y E-(*)Orp mV
2-(*)Time hh:mm:ss F-(*)NH4+ N mg/L
3-(*)Temp C G-( )NH4+ N mV
4-(*)SpCond mS/cm H-( )NH3 N mg/L
5-( )Cond I-(*)NO3- N mg/L
6-( )Resist J-( )NO3- N mV
7-( )TDS K-(*)Cl- mg/L
8-( )Sal ppt L-( )Cl- mV
9-(*)DOsat % M-(*)Turbid+ NTU
A-(*)DO mg/L N-(*)Chl ug/L
B-( )DOchrg O-(*)Chl RFU
C-(*)pH P-(*)Battery volts
D-( )pH mV

Select option (0 for previous menu):

This manual is related to the following products: