To trigger the oscilloscope, Chapter 5 to trigger the oscilloscope, Chapter 5 to trigger the oscilloscope -1 – RIGOL MSO/DS2000A Series User Manual

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Chapter 5 To Trigger the Oscilloscope


MSO2000A/DS2000A User’s Guide


Chapter 5 To Trigger the Oscilloscope

As for trigger, you set certain trigger condition according to the requirement and
when a waveform in the waveform stream meets this condition, the oscilloscope
captures this waveform as well as the neighbouring part and displays them on the
screen. For digital oscilloscope, it displays waveform continuously no matter whether
it is stably triggered, but only stable trigger can ensures stable display. The trigger
module ensures that every time base sweep or acquisition starts from the input
signal and the user-defined trigger condition, namely every sweep is synchronous to
the acquisition and the waveforms acquired overlap to display stable waveform.

Trigger setting should be based on the features of the input signal, thus you need to
have some knowledge of the signal under test to quickly capture the desired
waveform. This oscilloscope provides abundant advanced trigger types which can
help you to focus on the desired waveform details.

The contents of this chapter:
Trigger Source
Trigger Mode
Trigger Coupling
Trigger Holdoff
Noise Rejection
Trigger Type
Trigger Output Connector
