Queue a playlist – Daktronics Show Control System User Manual

Page 99

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Daktronics Show Control System


Selected Frame:

The specified frame of the file will be played and held until a new command
is executed. After selecting the radio button, specify the frame number you
want played.

Single Step:

The file will be played one frame at a time in sequential order. To trigger the
next frame, create a scripting button which contains a Single Step script.

For DMP-8000 Displays:

Step 1: Choose DMP-8000 Player Control Script.

Step 2: Select the Sign on which you want the file to be played.

Place a check in front of the sign on which you want the file to be played.

Step 3: Choose Play File.

Step 4: Select the Media File.

Click the Add button to open the File Browser. Locate the media file you wish for the button to

Step 5: Select the desired Playmode.

The playmode designates the manner in which you want the media file to be played.


The file will be played continuously until the operator stops it or another file
is started.

Number of Times: The file will be played the specified number of times, and then the display will

either blank, play the default file, or play the next file in the display queue.
After selecting the radio button, specify the number of times you want the
file to play.

To play a media file on other signs at the same time:

1. After creating the Play script, click

to return to the Select Script Line screen.

2. Click

to add a new script command.

3. Repeat the above steps for creating a Play script for each additional sign, making sure to select

the appropriate sign in Step 2.

Queue a Playlist

Create a scripting button with a Create Playlist script to play a specified set of media files on one or more
DMP-7000 signs in a specified manner. When this button is executed, the sign’s (or signs’) display
queue(s) will be cleared, the playlist’s media files will be added to the queue(s), and the first file will start
to play.

Create a Create Playlist script:

Step 1: Choose DMP-7000 Player Control Script.

Step 2: Select the Sign(s) on which you want the files to be played.

Place a check in front of the sign(s) on which you want the files to be played.

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