6 gain settings, 3 recording audio, 1 select source – Grass Valley DMC 1000 v.12.4 User Manual

Page 84: Gain settings, Recording audio 6.3.1, Select source

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DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v4.0)

Chapter 6 - Audio setup

6.2.6 Gain settings

Set the input gain level in the AUDIO



menu for:

the front microphone inputs,

the rear microphone inputs,

the rear line-level inputs, and

the optional wireless audio input.

6.3 Recording audio

6.3.1 Select source

To select the source for each of the four recording channels:


Go to the AUDIO





Tap one of the SOURCE


buttons numbered 1 to 4.


Tap the arrows in the pop-up box to select a source for that channel.

The possible sources are:

Rear1 - analog audio 1 input,

Rear2 - analog audio 2 input,

Wrx1 and Wrx2 - wireless audio channels (optional),

Front1 - front microphone or stereo front microphone channel 1 (optional),

Front2 - stereo front microphone channel 2 (optional)

MicRear - rear mini-jack headset microphone,

AES1 - digital audio input channel 1 via BNC connector,

AES2 - digital audio input channel 2 via BNC connector,

SDI In1..8 - embedded digital audio input channels from the SDI input,

Sidetone - sidetone (intercom loopback) channel (when in systemized operation),

Program - intercom Program channel (when in systemized operation),

Eng - intercom Engineering channel (when in systemized operation),

Prod - intercom Production channel (when in systemized operation), or


Four channels are always recorded. When a recording channel is not used, set the recording
source for that channel to Mute.

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