Acquisition – Teledyne LeCroy LabMaster 10Zi Operators Manual User Manual

Page 168

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LabMaster 10 Zi Oscilloscopes


922561-00 Rev A


: If you do not enable this option, the oscilloscope re-calibrates only at

startup and whenever you make a change to certain operating conditions.

Performance - If this option is available on your oscilloscope, you can set up
the oscilloscope to optimize for either Analysis (acquisition and calculation
speed) or Display (update rate/speed). For example, if you value persistence
or averaging, you might choose Analysis to give higher priority to waveform
acquisition at the expense of display update rate . Choices are presented as
a spectrum, with Analysis and Display at the extremes.


Click the Acquisition tab of the Preferences dialog to access Acquisition
settings. This allows you to make more fine-grained adjustments to how the
instrument performs acquisition than is available using the pre-set
selections on the Preferences dialog.

You can view a summary of your Acquisition (and other) settings by
accessing Status dialogs from the menu bar:

Vertical → Channels Status

Timebase → Acquisition Status

Trigger → Acquisition Status

Math → Math Status, Zoom Status, or Memory Status

Offset Setting constant in - allows you to specify how Vertical scale changes
are displayed. Choose either:

Div(isions) - As gain changes, keep the vertical offset level indicator
stationary. With this selection, the waveform remains on the grid as
you increase the gain.
