Config? front panel, Config? serial, Config? simulator – Measurement Computing Analyzer488 User Manual

Page 28: Bus terms? cr lf, Bus terms? cr, Bus terms? lf bus terms? lf cr, Serial baud? 9600, Serial baud? 300

background image

Section 2

Getting Started




Config? Front Panel

for Front Panel Mode



Config? Serial

for Serial Controller Mode




Config? Simulator

for Instrument Simulator Mode

If Front Panel Mode is selected, configuration ends. The following displays are

used only for Serial Controller Mode and Instrument Simulator Mode.

The default IEEE 488 bus address

IEEE488 Address? 10

is displayed in decimal.

Change the bus address

IEEE488 Address? 21

using the data entry and cursor keys.

The default IEEE bus terminators

Bus Terms? CR LF

are displayed

Change IEEE bus terminators

Bus Terms? CR

using the cursor keys

Bus Terms? LF
Bus Terms? LF CR

If Instrument Simulator Mode is selected, configuration ends. The following

displays are used only for Serial Controller Mode.

The default serial port baud rate

Serial Baud? 9600

is displayed.

Change the baud rate

Serial Baud? 300

using the cursor keys.

Serial Baud? 600
Serial Baud? 1200
Serial Baud? 2400
Serial Baud? 4800
Serial Baud? 19200
