Opening an existing database file, Database back-up information, Tma database archives – GAI-Tronics TMA Version 7.5.0 Telephone Management Application (TMA) User Guide (Ver. 7.5.0 and newer) User Manual

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Pub. 42004-479B

Telephone Management Application (TMA) User Guide

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e:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-479b.doc

Opening an Existing Database File

To open the TMA database to access an existing file, select


, then


in the menu bar. This will

display Open File window, as shown below.

In the Open File window, ensure the


folder name appears in the

Look in:

field at the top, then

select the appropriate file name with an .mdb file extension from the list, and click





: Do not open the file TMSconfig.mdb since this database is used for processing directives.

Database Back-up Information

TMA uses a single database file to store phone information, configuration data, voice call and data call
information for all telephones. The database is normally stored in the folder C:\Program
. As with other important documents or files, a backup copy of the database file should
be created at regular intervals.

The initial file size is approximately 600 kb. The file size for a system containing 40 phone records will
grow to approximately 2 Mb over a 60-day interval. TMA archives older telephone data every month.

TMA Database Archives

At noon on the first day of each month, TMA creates an archive database. The archive database will
contain all call data that is more than 30 days old along with all current phone configuration data. Any
data less than 30 days old will remain in the current database. The archive database file is assigned the
name of the current database followed by mmddyyarc where “mmddyy” denotes the month, day and
year when the archive was created and “arc” denotes that is an archive file.

With this database archive process, the size of the active database is kept reasonably small to maintain
high data processing efficiency. The archive process only takes a few minutes, and the active database is
also compacted. All archived database files are directly compatible with TMA and can be accessed in the
same manner as any other database.

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