FaxBack NET SatisFAXtion 8.7 (Including R3) - Manual User Manual

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4 – Appendices

NET SatisFAXtion 8.7 Manual


ConvertUTF8ToRTF: Undocumented.
CoverExtension: Undocumented.
DefaultFaxPrefix: Undocumented.
DefaultTemplateExt [string]: File extension to use for cover sheets. Default:



DefaultTemplateName: Undocumented.
DefPageLengthLines: Undocumented.
DiagnosticMode: Undocumented.
DtmfRouteStripCount [dword 0–255]: Ignore this many digits to the left of a
DID string for routing purposes.
ExternalConverterExtensions: Uses an external converter program to con-
vert these file extensions. Program must be named ExternalConverter.exe and
be placed in the NET SatisFAXtion install directory. It will be called with the ar-

ExternalConverter.exe -F"OriginalFileName" -I"InputFile"



FastDithering: Undocumented.
RejectExtensions: Undocumented.
Halftone: Undocumented.
ImageFileExtensions [string]: File extension to use for native TIFF images.
Format: Semicolon delimited list of file exensions. Default:

.tif; .tiff


InsoPreConvert [boolean]: Obsolete.
KeepPrintCapOutput: Undocumented.
Link_To_Log_Server [boolean]: Undocumented.
Max_Quick_Sessions [string]: Undocumented.
Max_Slow_Sessions [string]: Undocumented.
MaxTiffPageWidth: Undocumented.
MaxQueueChangeEntries: Undocumented.
MessageLogLevel: Undocumented.
MinFreeDiskSpace: Undocumented.
ModifyMessageFilters: Undocumented.
Name [string]: Server name.
NoPreCvtExtensions: Undocumented.
NoPrintCapture [boolean]: Undocumented.
NtfSubject [string]: Subject to use for fax send notifications when the mes-
sage did not specify a subject (for example if it came from a Microsoft Fax
Client). Default:

A fax you sent

