Monitoring centricstor using ping and mib-ii, Summary – FUJITSU CentricStor V3.1D User Manual

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Integration of CentricStor V3.1 in SNMP

Monitoring CentricStor using ping and MIB-II

All objects entered in CA Unicenter are automatically moitored by means of ping and
MIB-II. This requires that the agent “Mib2” works with the right community. The
administrator must make any necessary adjustments in the Pollset Browser of CA

Calling the GXCC from the pop-up menu of CA Unicenter

Clicking on the CentricStor icon with the right mouse button causes a pop-up menu to open.
The item at the bottom contains GXCC, which can then be opened directly.


Monitoring of CentricStor V2/V3.0 and V3.1 with CA Unicenter

If an SNMP Management Station is required to monitor a CentricStor V3.1 and a
CentricStor V2/V3.0 simultaneously, the following applies:

On the Management Station the GUI CD of CentricStor V3.1 is read in and the CA
Unicenter add-ons are installed as described. The V3.1 systems can be monitored as
described. The V2/V3.0 systems are initially recognized as SiemensUX systems and can
then be assigned to the class fscCentricStor as described in the documentation for
CentricStor V2/V3.0.

The traps of CentricStor V2/V3.0 are still recognized and prepared by the installed BS2000
part as described in the documentation for CentricStor V2/V3.0. However, GXCC is now
always called with the popup menu which serves and monitors CentricStor V2/V3.0, too.
Only new V3.1 options of GXCC lead to an error message.

CentricStor V2/V3.0 and V3.1 can thus be monitored by the same Management Station with
minor restrictions for GXCC handling of CentricStor V2/V3.0. If you do not want this,
GXTCC (for CentricStor V2/V3.0) can be installed parallel to GXCC (for CentricStor V3.1)
and can be called manually.



After the activities described above have been performed, a CentricStor system can be
integrated in any SNMP environment, CA Unicenter being supported in particular by instal-
lation scripts and the editing of traps.
