BendixKing KLN 89B - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 238

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Flight plans 4-5, 4-6
SID 5-33
STAR 5-33

Emergency nearest airport 3-26
Enter (ENT) button and prompt 3-10, 3-11

Airport remarks 3-50
User waypoint remarks 3-57
Waypoint identifiers 3-13

Estimated position error (EPE) 3-62
Erase; See Delete
ESA; See Minimum en route safe altitude
ETA (Estimated time of arrival) 3-40
ETE (Estimated time en route) 3-38, 3-41


f (final approach fix identifier suffix) 5-9
FAF (final approach fix) 5-2, 5-9
Fence 5-9
Flight plans

Activating 4-4
Active flight plan 4-1, 4-8
Adding waypoints 4-5
Creating 4-1
Deleting 4-7
Deleting waypoints 4-6
Direct to operation in flight plans 4-11
Editing 4-5, 4-6
Flight plan 0 (active flight plan) 4-1, 4-8
Inverting 4-5
Operating from the active flight plan 4-8
Rules for use of 4-8
Storing active flight plan as a numbered flight plan 4-7
Viewing distance, ETE, ETA, and DTK of flight plan

waypoints 4-4, 4-12

Viewing waypoint pages for active flight plan 4-11
VNAV operation 4-20

Flight time 3-40
Fly-by/Fly-over waypoints 4-3
FPL 0 page 4-8
FPL 1-25 pages 4-1
Frequencies for airport communications 3-49

KLN 89/KLN 89B Pilot’s Guide




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