Quartus_eda, Usage, Quartus_eda –27 – Altera Quartus II Scripting User Manual

Page 53: Usage –27

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Chapter 2: Command-line Executables



© July 2013

Altera Corporation

Quartus II Scripting Reference Manual


The Quartus II EDA Netlist Writer generates netlist and other output files for use with other EDA tools.
Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis, the Fitter, or Timing Analyzer must be run successfully before running
the EDA Netlist Writer, depending on the arguments used.

The options are grouped into two levels: top-level options and secondary options. A top-level option
specifies a single task. You can specify only one top-level option.

The following top-level options are supported: --simulation, --timing_analysis, --formal_verification,
--board_timing, --board_signal_integrity --board_symbol, --resynthesis, --gen_testbench, --hardcopy

For information on top-level options and corresponding secondary level options, use "--help=<option>"
for the top-level option.


quartus_eda [-h | --help[=<option|topic>] | -v]

quartus_eda <project name> [<options>]

quartus_eda -t <script file> [<script args>]

quartus_eda -s

quartus_eda --tcl_eval <tcl command>

This command supports the following options:
