Back of the magnia sg20 – Toshiba Tekbright 700P User Manual

Page 24

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Getting Started

Finding your way around

5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.1

Back of the Magnia SG20

Magnia SG20 ports

The public Ethernet port connects the network to the
Internet via a cable modem, DSL modem, external ISDN
modem or an existing local area network (LAN). For
more information about connecting the Magnia SG20 to
a corporate network, see

“Corporate environment” on

page 72


The LAN ports provide a built-in switch for connecting
the individual client computers. For more information
about adding a computer to the network, see

“Configuring the first client computer” on page 30


DEFINITION: The Toshiba Magnia SG20 Appliance Server is a
computer through which your local area network (LAN) connects
to the Internet.

Each computer connected to the Magnia SG20 is called a client.

The expansion port enables you to add a hub or switch
to support a larger network with more client computers.

The modem / ISDN port (depending on the SG20 model
you have) allows the Magnia SG20 to dial out to the
Internet, and a client computer to dial into the Magnia
SG20. For more information about using the Magnia

Printer port

LAN ports

Modem or ISDN port

Public Ethernet port


AC socket

Expansion port


Wireless LAN slot

(depending on model)

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