Configuring the magnia sg20, Configuring the client computer – Toshiba Tekbright 700P User Manual

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Setting Up Your Local Area Network

More about connecting client computers

5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.1

Configuring the Magnia SG20

To perform this procedure, you must be logged in with a user
name that has level 3 access. To enable Dial-In access:


Click the Admin icon on the client computer’s desktop to
access the Administration Web site.


Click the Network tab.


In the Network section of the tab, select I want to:
Enable Dial-In


Click Enable/Disable Users.

The dial-in screen appears.


Select the Dial-In Enabled check box next to a user
account to enable dial-in access for that user. To disable
access, clear the check box.


Click Apply to save your changes. Otherwise, click

Configuring the client computer

Even with the Dial-In service enabled, you must grant dial-in
access to each user name individually. By default no users
can dial in. To allow a user to dial in to the Magnia SG20:


Click the Admin icon on the client computer’s desktop to
access the Administration Web site.


In the Users section of the System page, check the
Dial-In Access option on that user’s account
configuration page

To perform this procedure, you must be logged in with a user
name that has level 3 access.

After the user name has had “Dial-In Access” privileges
granted, all other user name and password rules still apply to
the client computer. This means that both the client computer
that the user is dialing in from and the Magnia SG20 must
have the same user name and password.

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