Broadband connection – Toshiba Tekbright 700P User Manual

Page 36

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Getting Started

Configuring the Magnia SG20

5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.1

External ISDN modem

For broadband connections, continue at


connection” on page 36

. Alternatively, you can select phone-

or ISDN-based access to the Internet using the modem /
ISDN port. Continue at

“Dial-up connection” on page 37


Broadband connection

For a broadband connection, the following screen appears.


Select ISP address type.

Determine whether your ISP uses a fixed IP address (provided
by your ISP) or is set up to assign the addresses whenever
your computer connects. If you don’t know, try the DHCP
option or call your ISP for assistance.

If you select Static IP, you will be asked to enter your IP
address and subnet mask. These are sets of numbers joined
with periods, like, and You
will also need to enter the primary DNS, which is an IP
address like the above examples.

Sample ISP Static IP address screen

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