Technical information on file sharing – Toshiba Tekbright 700P User Manual

Page 60

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Using the Network

Sharing files

5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.1


From the Tools menu, select Map Network Drive… .


In the box labeled Drive, select from the drop-down list the
letter you wish to map to the personal folder on the Magnia


In the box labeled Path, type



If the name of your Magnia SG20 has been changed from the
default “Myserver,” substitute the new name.


Check the Reconnect at logon check box, and click OK.


Repeat steps 1-5 to map the public drive. For the path name


Technical information on file sharing

The Magnia SG20 uses the Server Message Block (SMB) file
sharing protocol for file sharing services. This protocol is
supported by the Windows 95/98 and Windows Me operating
systems, as well as by the Windows NT, Windows 2000 and
Windows XP operating systems. If you are using an Apple




, you can either configure it to access the Magnia

SG20 using AppleTalk or use a commercial product, such as
“Dave” to obtain SMB access. For more information about
configuring a Macintosh, see

“Configuring a Macintosh as a

Client” on page 291


The network administrator can set limits on how much disk
space a single account can use.

On your second hard disk drive, your network administrator
can make its disk available for general public storage in
addition to the private folders established with all accounts.
For more information, see

“Using the second disk drive” on

page 188


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