Case studies, Purposes of cases and examples, Example 1-bilingual contact center model – Rockwell Automation Arena Contact Center Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 145: Overview and business objective

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Case Studies

Purposes of cases and examples

The purpose of the case studies and example models is to illustrate the Contact Center
Edition modeling and analysis process. Many of the product features are highlighted in
these sample models. These examples also provide a starting point for new Contact Center
Edition users.

As with any modeling tool, the best way to become familiar with Arena Contact Center
Edition is to examine the example models, run these models, and observe the differences
in output when the model inputs are altered (e.g., contact volume is increased, agents/
trunks are added, agent schedules are changed, etc.). Utilizing the product’s animation
features to “watch” your models run can also be very informative.

Example 1—Bilingual Contact Center model

Overview and business objective

The business objective is to model a contact center that serves an English and Spanish
population with three types of agents: English-speaking, Spanish-speaking, and Bilingual.
The utilization of the various groups can then be assessed under different demand fore-
casts to ascertain staffing levels and to quantify the added value of hiring bilingual agents.

The focus of this example is on the definition of the agent and parent groups, which
support sharing of contact-center agent resources across functions and simultaneous
queueing to those resources. In addition, this example also illustrates Arena Contact
Center Edition’s contact abandonment and contact-back capability.

Key modeling techniques illustrated in this example






Arena Contact Center Edition makes it very easy to model basic groups comprised of one
Type of agent (agent groups) and larger groups of agents that are comprised of more than
one type of agent group (parent groups).

In the Bilingual Call Center example, there are three types of agent groups: English-
speaking, Spanish-speaking, and Bilingual. In addition, there will be two parent groups:
the English Servers (comprised of English-speaking and Bilingual agents) and the Spanish
Servers (comprised of Spanish-speaking and Bilingual agents).

With this parent group structure, English calls will then be queued to the English Group
and Spanish calls can be queued to the Spanish Group. This means that all English calls
