Talk time (required), Conference (optional), Talk time (required) conference (optional) – Rockwell Automation Arena Contact Center Edition Users Guide User Manual

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Talk time (required)

Talk time is the time an agent spends on the line with a contactor. The expected talk time
for a contact name is specified in the main section of the Contact module. This value is
used as the mean of an exponential distribution. In the advanced Contact module dialog,
the basic exponential talk time distribution can be replaced with any general distribution.

Individual talk times for each contact are generated whenever the contact is assigned to an
agent. Within the Agent module, talk time multipliers are specified to account for agent
proficiency. The generated contact time is multiplied by this factor to determine the actual
talk time for the contact.








Expected talk time is specified in the Contact module. The distribution for talk time
can be overridden in the Advanced section of the Contact module.


Adjustments to talk time to reflect agent proficiency are made through multipliers
defined within the Talk Time section of the Agent module.

Conference (optional)

Conferencing describes the situation where an agent can include an additional agent (like
a supervisor) for assistance in contact resolution. Conference is modeled using the
Conference module located on the Script panel. This module is for use within the Queue
for Agent module only. The Queue for Agent module has three Advanced features that
allow external logic to be specified at three different times; After Seizing Agent, After
Talk Time, and Prior to Post Contact Work. The Conference module must be used with
the After Talk Time option. By connecting this module to the special exit point created for
the advanced Queue for Agent option, a contact can be conferenced with another agent
after the primary agent’s talk time is complete.

A conference is done in addition to talk time. The length of the conference is determined
by sampling from the conference time distribution defined in the Conference module and
adjusting it using the conference time multiplier (to account for agent proficiency) associ-
ated with the conferenced agent.

Conference is an optional consideration in that a contact will only be conferenced if an
agent is available immediately to be included in the conference.

Multiple-agent conferencing can be modeled by connecting a series of Conference
modules. The original agent is not released until all the conferences are complete.
However, each conference is performed in series. Therefore, the first conference agent is
not a part of the second conference with the next conference agent, and so on.
