Rockwell Automation Arena Contact Center Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 20

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4. Determine which aspects of the situation are subject to the control of the decision

maker(s) and the range of control that can be exercised.

5. Identify those aspects of the environment or problem context that can affect the out-

come of possible solutions but that are beyond the control of the decision maker(s).

An important aspect of the planning phase involves ensuring that we have considered
certain factors critical to project success:


Clearly defined goals. Do we know the purpose of the study—i.e., why are we doing
it and what do we expect to find?


Sufficient resource allocation. Are we sure that there is sufficient time, personnel,
and computer hardware and software available to do the job?


Management support. Has management made its support for the project known to all
concerned parties?


Project plans and schedules. Are there detailed plans for carrying out the project?
What are the key dates?


Competent project manager and team members. Are we assured of having the
necessary skills and knowledge available for successful completion of the project?


Responsiveness to the clients. Have all potential users of the results been consulted
and regularly apprised of the project’s progress?


Adequate communication channels. Are we continually concerned that sufficient
information is available on project objectives, status, changes, user or client needs,
etc., to keep everyone (team members, management, and clients) fully informed as the
project progresses?

The major thrust of the planning and orientation period is the determination of the explicit
goals or purpose of the simulation project. Simulation experiments are conducted for a
wide variety of purposes, including the following:


Evaluation: determining how well a proposed system design performs in an absolute
sense when evaluated against specific criteria.


Comparison: comparing several proposed operating policies or procedures or other
input scenarios.


Prediction: estimating the performance of the system under some projected set of


Sensitivity analysis: determining which of many factors affect overall system
performance the most.
