Introduction to simulation, Simulation defined, Systems and models – Rockwell Automation Arena Contact Center Edition Users Guide User Manual

Page 15: Simulation defined systems and models

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Introduction to Simulation

This chapter contains excerpts from the simulation textbook written by C. Dennis Pegden,
Randall P. Sadowski, and Robert E. Shannon entitled Introduction to Simulation Using
, Second Edition (McGraw-Hill, 1995).

Simulation defined

Simulation is one of the most powerful analysis tools available to those responsible for the
design, analysis, and operation of complex processes or systems. In an increasingly
competitive world, simulation has become a very powerful tool for the planning, design,
and control of systems. It is viewed today as an indispensable problem-solving
methodology for engineers, designers, and managers.

To simulate, according to Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, is “to feign, to obtain the
essence of, without the reality.” According to Schriber [1987], “Simulation involves the
modeling of a process or system in such a way that the model mimics the response of the
actual system to events that take place over time.” We will define simulation as the
process of designing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with this model
for the purpose of understanding the behavior of the system and/or evaluating various
strategies for the operation of the system. We consider simulation to include both the
construction of the model and the experimental use of the model for studying a problem.
Thus, you can think of simulation modeling as an experimental and applied methodology
that seeks to accomplish the following:


describe the behavior of systems,


construct theories or hypotheses that account for the observed behavior, and


use the model to predict future behavior; i.e., the effects produced by changes in the
system or in its method of operation.

The terms “model” and “system” are key components of our definition of simulation. By
model, we mean a representation of a group of objects or ideas in some form other than
that of the entity itself. By system, we mean a group or collection of interrelated elements
that cooperate to accomplish some stated objective. We can simulate systems that already
exist and those that can be brought into existence; i.e., those in the preliminary or planning
stage of development.

Systems and models

The conceptualization and development of models have played a vital part in our
intellectual activity ever since we began to try to understand and manipulate our
environment. People have always used the idea of models to attempt to represent and
