Trunk groups, Data sources, Routing scripts – Rockwell Automation Arena Contact Center Edition Users Guide User Manual

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Trunk Groups

Trunk Groups represent groups of phone lines that are dedicated to a particular set of
contact types. A single trunk group can serve multiple contact types and names, but only
one trunk group may serve each contact name. Trunk groups have an associated capacity
(# of lines), cost, and a default routing script and contact priority. Any incoming contact
assumes the default priority and follows the default routing script unless these attributes
are overridden at the contact level.

Note that trunk-line capacity determines the maximum number of contacts that the contact
center can accommodate simultaneously. If a trunk line is not available when a contact
attempts to enter the center, the contact is blocked and does not gain entry. Otherwise, the
contact is attached to a trunk line and remains with that particular line until exiting the
center or until transferring to another trunk line.

Data sources

Fundamental components of the contact center infrastructure, trunk-line organization, and
capacity are typically specified in the phone-switching hardware.

Routing Scripts

Routing Scripts are sequences of actions that control the flow of contacts through the
center’s system. This will result in contacts being connected with agents, leaving
messages, being disconnected, or abandoning the center.

From a simulation modeling perspective, scripts allow contact flow logic to be categorized
into six general areas:

1. Time delays (playing announcements, music, doing nothing—waiting)

2. Conditional route branching (caller-entered information, center dynamics)

3. Allocation of contacts into queues (single or simultaneous) or message ports

4. Contact prioritization within queues (ranking)

5. Contact flow between queues (movement of contacts out of and into queues, overflow

from one queue into another)

6. Contact flow between scripts

Data sources

These command sequences are generally referred to as “scripts,” although each switch
vendor has a different name for their particular variety (i.e., Vector, Telescript, Call
