7 circular interpolation with acc/dec time, Circular interpolation with acc/dec time – ADLINK PCI-8164 User Manual

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Operation Theory

4.1.7 Circular interpolation with Acc/Dec time

In section 4.1.6, the circular interpolation functions do not support
acceleration and deceleration parameters. Therefore, they cannot
perform a T or S curve speed profile during operation. However,
sometimes the need for an Acc/Dec time speed profile will help a
machine to make more accurate circular interpolation. The 8164
card has another group of circular interpolation functions to per-
form this type of interpolation, but requires the use of Axis3 as an
aided axis, which means that Axis3 cannot be used for other pur-
poses while running these functions. For example, to perform a
circular interpolation with a T-curve speed profile, the function
_8164_start_tr_arc_xyu() is used. This function will use

Axis0 and Axis1, and also Axis3 (Axis0=x, Axis1=y, Axis2=z,
Axis3=u). For the full lists of functions, refer to section 6.8.

To check if the card supports these functions use the
_8164_version_info() function. If hardware information for

the card returns a value with the 4th digit greater then 0, for exam-
ple '1003', users can use this group of circular interpolation to per-
form S or T-curve speed profiles. If the hardware version returns a
value with the 4th digit being 0, then the card does not support
these functions.
