Inspecting, cleaning, and handling the sensors – ADS Environmental Services IETG FlowHawk QR 775012 A4 User Manual

Page 301

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Maintenance and Troubleshooting 8-17

Communication cable from GSM Module connected to COMM port on

monitor with stretch tape properly applied

Inspecting, Cleaning, and Handling the

Perform the following sensor inspections during regular site visits:

Verify that the installation ring or bands are secure and clear of

Clean the face of the Surface Combo Sensor/Ultrasonic Depth
Sensor gently with a soft brush, and wipe the sensor with a
clean, moist cloth.

Note: The crystals on the new Surface Combo Sensor
(available late 2012) are covered with a Teflon



Therefore, do not use a wire brush or other abrasive,
metallic device to clean these sensors.

Verify that the face of the Surface Combo Sensor/Ultrasonic
Depth Sensor is horizontally level with the flow. If necessary,
reposition the sensor according to the procedures in Chapter 3,
Sensor Installation and Connection.
