Rockwell Automation 9307 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix User Manual

Page 216

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FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software


All other MPR objects must be declared as the applicable Object type. Variables and
constants should be declared as the appropriate data type. The first character of any script
element name must be an alphabetic character, a digit, or an underscore.

The following are examples of declarations:

Dim totalConsumption As Double 'declares a variable named
totalConsumption as a Double data type

Dim group As Group 'declares the object named group as a Group
object type

Const weeksInYear as Integer = 52 'declares an integer constant
named weeksInYear and assigns 52 as its value

Dim richText as New RichTextBox() 'declares a RichTextBox object
named richText and creates an instance of the object

Declarations placed at the beginning of the MPR script (prior to the

Sub Main()

statement) are global to the entire script. Declarations placed within a routine or function are
local to that routine or function.

Main Routine

The MPR script must contain at least a Main routine, as shown below:

Sub Main()


[main routine script]

End Sub

Optional Elements

The script can also have subroutines and functions.


The MPR script can also contain subroutines called from the main routine:

Sub Main()


[main routine script]

For Each item In collection

Routine2(arg1, arg2, ...)

Next item

End Sub

Sub Routine2(arg1 As Type, arg2 As Type, ...)


[subroutine script]

End Sub
