3 the motor driver interface, 1 pulse command output interface, The motor driver interface – ADLINK PCI-8158 User Manual

Page 76: Pulse command output interface

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Operation Theory

relative pulses are smaller than original slow down pulses, this
function can’t work properly.

4.3 The motor driver interface

We provide several dedicated I/Os which can be connected to
motor driver directly and have their own functions. Motor drivers
have many kinds of I/O pins for external motion controller to use.
We classify them to two groups: pulse I/O signals including pulse
command and encoder interface, and digital I/O signals including
servo ON, alarm, INP, servo ready, alarm reset and emergency
stop inputs. The following sections will describe the functions
these I/O pins.

4.3.1 Pulse Command Output Interface

The motion controller uses pulse command to control servo/step-
per motors via motor drivers. Set the drivers to position mode
which can accept pulse trains as position command. The pulse
command consists of two signal pairs. It is defined as OUT and
DIR pins on connector. Each signal has two pins as a pair for dif-
ferential output. There are two signal modes for pulse output com-
mand: (1) single pulse output mode (OUT/DIR), and (2) dual pulse
output mode (CW/CCW type pulse output). The mode must be the
same as motor driver. The modes vs. signal type of OUT and DIR
pins are listed in the table below:
