Daktronics OmniSport 2000 Timing Console User Manual

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Console & Software Revision History


Removed relays 4-6.

Version 1.1.16 - Release Date: 12 May 2006

Corrected issues with Event Order Editing.

Added Relay Exchange information to the Current Race tab.

Version 1.1.17 - Release Date: 16 June 2006

Added/Updated support for other languages (non-English).

Version 1.1.18 - Release Date: 19 January 2007

Changed way Event Order Files are stored.

Added Relay-Takeoff Arm Time configuration.

Added Team Scores.

Added test patterns for scoreboards.

Updated some reports to include both subtractive and cumulative splits.

Automatically change place orders when times are edited in Stored Races.

Added visual feedback information for communications with console and the
console’s printer.

Added new configurations for Matrix and Fixed-Digit displays.

Added Start/Exchange times in Stored Races.

Version 1.2.1 - Release Date: 15 October 2009

Added lane status icons for overly active inputs and low RTOP battery

Added ability to ignore inputs in test mode by individual lanes, or by near/far end

Added Multicast as one of the Scoreboard protocol types

Added more dimming levels as well as auto-dimming for multicast

Added logging for actions the user performs on the UI.

Added configuration for RTD Item Number offset

Added French and Greek language support

Added new configurations to the SCBD tab

Added a dialog to let the user choose the TOD in 12 or 24 hour format

Removed the multiple software protection levels.

Version 1.2.2 - Release Date: 29 December 2009

Various bug fixes

Moved the configuration file to the Windows standard location – changes to the file
system in Windows Vista/7 was causing problems.

Added ability to determine what COM ports were attached to modems, and prevent
the Pro software from attempting to open those COM ports

Version 1.2.3 - Release Date: 23 October 2012

Added ability to edit a finish time directly in the Flagged Times dialog.

Changed non-required text fields in all database tables to allow zero-length strings

Added logging to the database class when invalid data is trying to be saved

Added flashing red boxes in the lane status area to better warn users of a potential
missed touch.

Upgraded to Visual Studio 2010 compiler

Fixed a bug where the lane label configuration 0-9 or 1-10 was not being stored
properly in the database.

Added error message boxes in location where writing to a file may cause a vague
exception to occur.

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