Littlites, Cleaning eos ti, Fuse replacement – ETC Eos Titanium, Eos, and Gio v2.0.0 User Manual

Page 50: Dimming littlites

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Eos Titanium, Eos, and Gio Operations Manual

Fuse Replacement



You may connect two Littlites to the back of your Eos Titanium console.

Dimming Littlites

Attached desk lamps can be dimmed either with the desk lamp control knob on the rear panel, or
from the software.

Desk lamp controls are found in Setup>Desk>Brightness Settings. The {Desk Lamp} slider has
a range of 0% (dimmest) to 100% (brightest). The default setting is 0%. The console will set the
desk lamp to this setting on startup of the application.

See “{Brightness Settings}” on page 131.

The desk lamps can also be controlled by holding down [Displays] and rolling the level wheel if
controlled by the live master.

Cleaning Eos Ti

Should the exterior of your Eos Ti require cleaning, you may gently wipe it with a dampened (not
), non-abrasive paper towel or soft cloth.

If this does not clean the console sufficiently, you may apply some window cleaner (containing
ammonia is fine) to the cloth and repeat the process until clean.

C A U T I O N :

For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with same type and rating

of fuse.

A T T E N T I O N :

Pour ne pas compromettre la protection contre les risques d’incendie, remplacer

par un fusible de même type et de mêmes caractéristiques nominales.

Fuse replacement information
and additional electrical ratings
can be found on this label
located on Eos Ti’s rear panel.

Littlite XLR 3-Pin Female Connector



