Metrohm 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor User Manual

Page 100

background image

4 Operation

788 IC Filtration Sample Processor


Example of "param" report


788 IC Filtr. Proc. 5.788.0010


method ********

number of samples: rack

>start sequence

>sample sequence

>final sequence

>changer settings

rack number 0

lift rate 1 12 mm/s

shift rate 20

>manual stop

CTL Rmt: **************

CTL RS232:


Example of "usermeth" report


788 IC Filtr. Proc. 5.788.0010

user memory


PC 760

PC Seg 808

SP 872

SP Seg 920

761 632

761 Seg 672

An Cat 1328

AnCatSeg 1416

Preconc 1024

Dialysis 1656

remaining bytes 17808

