3 method "761" and "761 seg – Metrohm 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor User Manual

Page 109

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4.6 Standard methods

788 IC Filtration Sample Processor


4.6.3 Method "761" and "761 Seg"


Processing a queue of the PC program «761 PC Software» or «790 PC

Software» with compact IC systems and the PC as "Master".


See section 2.5.1.

Program of 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor

788 IC Filtr. Proc. 5.788.0010
method 761
number of samples: rack
>start sequence
>sample sequence
1 SCN:Rm : Wait1
2 MOVE 1 : sample
( PUMP 1.1 : 5 s)
3 LIFT: 1 : work mm
4 SCN:Rm : Wait1
5 PUMP 1.1 : 240 s
>final sequence
>changer settings
rack number 0
lift rate 1 12 mm/s
shift rate 20
>manual stop
CTL Rmt: **************
CTL RS232:

 Report header with serial number and program ver-


 Method name
 Number of samples to be processed (entire sample


 Initialize remote interface

 Waiting until compact IC sends signal on rem. line 3
 Move needle to sample
 Only "761 Seg": aspirate air during 5 s
 Place lift with needle to working position
 Waiting until compact IC sends signal on rem. line 3
 Fill sample loop with sample during 240 s

 —— Settings for changer functions ——

 —— Reaction to manual stop ———

Settings in the corresponding PC program

See section 2.5.1.

Procedure at program start

1. Start 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor with <START>.
2. Create new queue and method in the PC program «761 Com-

pact IC» or «790 Personal IC», respectively and start it.
