Chapter 1 configuring the gx/gp, What do you want to configure, What do you want to configure? -1 – Yokogawa Touch Screen GP20 User Manual

Page 15: Measurement source, Configuring measurement channels

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IM 04L51B01-01EN

Configuring the GX/GP







What Do You Want to Configure?

1. Measurement Source

You can assign DC voltages, thermocouples, RTDs, and on/off signals based on contacts

and voltages to channels to take measurements. The measurement section is modular, so it

can be expanded as necessary.

Input signals are sampled at the scan interval and converted to measured values through

A/D conversion.

Setting Measurement Conditions (Setting menu: Measurement settings)



Setting the scan interval

→page 1-75

Setting the operation mode of a module (AI module: 2ch mode/10ch mode, DI

module: normal/remote)

→page 1-76

Setting the A/D integration time of an AI module (analog input module)

→page 1-77

Setting how to detect over-range values

→page 1-75

2. Configuring Measurement Channels

You can set measurement conditions for each channel based on the input. You can calculate

the difference between two input values or convert input values to measurement values with

units that suit your purpose.

Alarms can be generated when measured data exceeds or goes below specified values.

Information that indicates alarm occurrence can be shown on the screen. Digital output

channels (DO channels) can be used to transmit relay contact signals.

You can change channel colors and assign tags to channels.

Configuring Analog Input Channels (Setting menu: AI channel settings)

Source module: Analog input module (GX90XA)

Setting the Range



Input range (type, range, span lower, span upper)

→page 1-11

Performing input calculation (delta, linear scaling, square root)

Taking the moving average of input values (suppressing noise)

Setting the reference junction compensation mode (internal, external)

Setting burnout detection

Adding bias to input values

Setting Alarms



Setting alarms (type, value, hysteresis, logging, output, alarm delay)

→page 1-17

Setting the Display



Setting channel tags (characters, No.)

→page 1-21

Setting display colors

Dividing display areas to prevent waveform overlap (setting zones)

Setting the scale display position and divisions

Setting the base position and divisions of the bar graph display

Enabling the partial expanded display

→page 1-21

→page 1-70

Displaying the color scale band (band area (in, out), color)

→page 1-21

Displaying alarm point marks (mark kind, alarm mark color)

Displaying on/off (1/0) signals with characters (when the range type is DI)

Chapter 1 Configuring the GX/GP

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