Achronix ACE Version 5.0 User Manual

Page 222

background image


Chapter 3. Concepts

Optimization settings which may vary with design complexity


Technical Description

Usability Notes

When panning, show only
background layer:

The amount of rendering performed
while panning is reduced, and the
detailed render only occurs after
panning/scrolling is completed.

Enable this if
panning/scrolling the
Floorplanner feels too slow.

Enable incremental

The render work is broken up into
small chunks within each render layer
and performed asynchronously, instead
of performing the entire render of all
layers at once. Because the work
chunks are performed asynchronously,
the application has a chance to respond
to subsequent mouse and keyboard
input earlier, instead of waiting for the
entire render to complete.

If enabled, the mouse
becomes more responsive,
but renders will be slightly
slower overall. In some
cases, there may be
noticeable rendering

Show intermediate render

When renders are slow, it can be
frustrating to stare at an empty
grey/black window waiting for
something to change. When this setting
is enabled, the user can observe as
render layers are built up into the final
rendered image.

Provides more frequent
visual feedback during
rendering (so it can feel
faster, because something is
visibly happening), but
renders will actually be
slightly slower overall.

Render large areas as smaller
tiled areas:

The total render area, if greater than
Max unsegmented area

, will be broken

into quadrants which are rendered
individually. Rendered areas will be
checked for (re-)quartering up to Max
re-quartering recursion

times. Because

the quadrant area is smaller, it
completes rendering faster than the

Large render areas are each
broken into four smaller
chunks for increased visual
feedback. Enabling this will
increase total render times,
but it may feel faster, because
something is visibly

Max re-quartering recursion:

The maximum number of times a
render area may be broken into smaller
(and smaller) pieces.

Relevant at the outermost
zoom levels. Increasing this
value may increase total
render times, but can
provide more frequent visual

UG001 Rev. 5.0 - 5th December 2012

