3 register ip phones, Figure 12 example ip phone sip registration screen, Register ip phones – ZyXEL Communications IP PBX X6004 User Manual

Page 61: Example

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Chapter 3 Tutorials

X6004 User’s Guide


3.1.3 Register IP Phones

After your network connections have been made, you can proceed with the SIP
registration of the IP phones on your network. The next figure shows a typical SIP
registration screen of a ZyXEL IP phone. This is a sample screen only, but it
includes all the key fields necessary to complete a SIP registration. It shows the
SIP registration of an IP phone with the extension 1001.

Figure 12 Example IP Phone SIP Registration Screen

Complete the SIP registration for all the IP phones on your network. When all the
phones are registered, you can make internal calls by dialing the extension
number assigned to each phone.

IP Address

of the X6004

Extension Number of IP Phone

SIP Password

(Prefix + Extension + Postfix)

