Verilink WANsuite 6x30 (34-00315.B) Product Manual User Manual

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W A N s u i t e 6 x 3 0

When QOS profile “0” is used, the available bandwidth will be equally shared
among all configured channels. QOS “0” cannot be modified.

If one virtual channel requires more bandwidth than others, configure another
QOS profile and set its peak cell rate (PCR) to the required value. However,
the sum of the PCRs of all configured channels must be no greater than the
available bandwidth. The available PCR on a T1-ATM link is about 3600
cells per second, but is about 4550 cells per second on an E1-ATM link.

E n cap su latio n

Encapsulation Type used. Default is Routed IP, which uses RFC1483 LLC
encapsulation. If Serial PPP is selected, PPP traffic received from the Serial
port will be sent over the ATM port using RFC 1483 PPPoA encapsulation.
There can be only one VCI configured for Serial PPP.

Serial HDLC is similar to Serial PPP except, when you select Serial HDLC,
data is encapsulated transparently. Any type of HDLC traffic will be
supported. Because this is not a standard encapsulation, a WANsuite unit
must reside at each end of the connection. Even if Serial HDLC or Serial PPP
encapsulation is configured, routed IP traffic received on this channel will be
forwarded to the IP Gateway, if IP Gateway is configured.

Values: Serial PPP, Routed IP, Serial HDLC

Tra ffic Typ e

Traffic type used. Default is ubr.

Values: cbr, ubr

S ta tu s

Current status of the VCC.

Values: active, notinService, notReady, createAndGo, createAndWait,


Adding a New Virtual Channel

To create a new virtual channel, enter the desired VPI/VCI values in the
appropriate field(s) at the top of the screen and select the “Add Virtual
Channel” prompt.

If the newly added virtual channel is within the maximum VCC parameter, it
will be activated immediately.


When adding a Virtual Channel,

the value for VPI may be 0 and

above, but for VCI, must be 32 and above.

Select a listed VPI to bring up the ATM Virtual Channel Details Screen
(Figure 4.26) where you can configure or change parameters.
