Verilink WANsuite 6x30 (34-00315.B) Product Manual User Manual

Page 51

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W e b S e r v e r I n t e r f a c e


Typ e

Selects the type of interface (based on its electrical signal characteristics) used
by the equipment connected to the Serial port.

Values: V.35, RS-232, EIA-530, and (6230 only) X.21
Default: V.35


V.35 requires the use of an optional cable. Refer to "Optional
Equipment" on page A-10 f
or ordering information.

M od e

By default, the Serial port serves as a DCE port. However, the Serial port can
serve as a DTE port.

If the Serial port connects to a DTE device (such as a FRAD or a router), the
Mode parameter must be set to “DCE.” If this port connects to a DCE device
(such as a DSU/CSU), this parameter must be set to “DTE.”

Values: DCE, DTE
Default: DCE


DTE mode requires the use of an optional DTE cable. Refer to
"Optional Equipment" on page A-10 f
or ordering information.

P ack et R ate

Packet Rate must be configured to the desired port speed (in bits per second).


Values: nx64 kbps (where n = 1–32) or nx56 kbps (where n = 1


Default: 1536 kbps


Values: nx 64 kbps (where n = 1–32) or nx56 kbps (where n = 1


Default: 1984 kbps


Values: nx64 kbps (where n = 1–36) or nx56 kbps (where n = 1


Default: 2048 kbps

T x C lock

Selects the clock the unit uses to sample the data transmitted from the DTE.
When set to “Internal,” the data is sampled directly with the transmit data
clock that is also supplied to the DTE as Transmit Clock. The “External”
option uses the external clock from the DTE.

Values: Internal, External
Default: Internal


The Local Loopback parameter can be set to “Enable” or “Disable.” Selecting
“Enable” allows the unit to go into Local Loop when the LL pin on the
Serial 1 port goes high. The unit exits the loop when the LL pin goes low. If
you select “Disable,” the unit ignores the LL pin on the Serial port.

Values: Disable, Enable
Default: Disable
