Insert fluorescent image, Printing dynamic text, Insert fluorescent image -11 – HID DTC400E/C30E/M30E User Guide User Manual

Page 249: Printing dynamic text -11

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Fargo Electronics, Inc.

DTC400e/Persona C30e/M30e Card Printer User Guide (Rev. 1.1)


Insert Fluorescent Image

Step Procedure


Save a 1-bit bmp file that is 300x300 dpi somewhere that is easily accessible.


In order to import the file onto your card, you will need to paste the path of the
image onto your card preceded by ~I.

• For example, ~IC:/test.bmp would insert the image named test.bmp onto

the card.

• The location of the image will be dictated by the ~.
• The image will not be scaled. For example, if it is a 300x300 dpi image, it

will print 1”x1”.

**Please note that the fluorescent text or image can only be printed on the one
side of the card.

Printing Dynamic Text

Step Procedure


If the application supports dynamic text and images, then dynamic text can
also be printed with the Fluorescing Panel. Follow the application directions to
map a text field to a data source.

“~T” must be included in the beginning of the expression or in the beginning
of the data.
