Verilink Net Engine (3150-30626-001) Product Manual User Manual

Page 114

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NetEngine IAD User Guide

WAN Configuration


6. The IAD displays the throughput prompt:

Enter the Circuit Throughput in bits/second

Type the circuit throughput and press Enter.

7. The IAD displays the excess burst prompt:

Enter the excess burst size (Be) in number of bits

Type the excess burst value and press Enter.

8. The IAD displays the FR DLCI Options menu.
9. Press Escape to return to the FR DLCI Config menu and continue or

proceed to the next section.

Configuring Receive CIR

To set up Receive CIR, type 2 to select Configure Receive CIR.

10. The IAD displays the Bc prompt:

Enter the committed burst size (Bc) in number of
bits (0):

Type the committed burst size.

11. The IAD displays the throughput prompt:

Enter the Circuit Throughput in bits/second

Type the circuit throughput and press Enter.

12. The IAD displays the excess burst prompt:

Enter the excess burst size (Be) in number of bits

Type the excess burst value and press Enter.

13. The IAD displays the FR DLCI Options menu.
14. Press Escape to return to the FR DLCI Config menu and continue.

Configuring FRF.12 Fragmentation

To configure FRF.12 fragmentation, type 3 to display the End-to-End
Fragmentation menu:

Figure 4–59. End-to-End Fragmentation Configuration Menu

Type 1 to select End-to-End FRF.12, or type 2 to manually set the
fragment size.

15. If you type 1, the IAD displays the status and a prompt:

FRF.12 End-to-End Fragmentation is currently
Enter E to Enable, D to Disable:



to enable End-to-End fragmentation, or type


to disable it.


End-to-End Fragmentation Configuration


1. Enable/Disable End-to-End FRF.12
2. Set Fragment Size
