Calculated resources, About calculated resources – MTS Series 793 User Manual

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5. Optional—In the Display name box, type the desired name.

Calculated Resources

About Calculated Resources

In order to use calculated inputs and outputs in your test, you must add calculated resources to your station
with the Station Builder application.

License requirements

Calculated inputs and calculated outputs are optional features which require separate licenses. For example,
you may have a calculated inputs license and not have a calculated outputs license.

Calculated analog inputs

In addition to the regular input resources installed in your controller, you can also assign a calculated analog
input for control feedback or data acquisition. Calculated input values are determined by applying a user-defined
mathematical equation to the specified signal values.

A resource labeled <<Calculated Input>> appears in the hardware list for control modes, stabilization feedback,
external command inputs, and auxiliary inputs. This resource is not removed from the list when it is assigned,
so that it can be used as many times as necessary.

When you open the station with the Station Manager application, any input resources that are mapped to the
<<Calculated Input>> resource are created as calculated input channels. Some calculated input channels
are defined relative to a control channel, while others are in the auxiliary list.

Calculated digital inputs

You can also create a calculated input resource for digital inputs. Select the resource labeled <<Calculated
Input>> in the hardware list for a digital input.

Calculated analog outputs

You can create a calculated analog output by assigning the <<Virtual Output>> resource as your programming
output resource.


Control channels mapped to the <<Virtual Output>> resource will not have an equation rather, they
will produce a signal that will be referenced in other equations.

You can also use the Station Builder Calculated Outputs panel to add calculated analog output resources to
your station.

Calculated digital outputs

Resources can also be allocated for “virtual” digital outputs not tied to hardware, but available for use in other
calculations. Select the resource labeled <<Virtual Output>> in the hardware list for a digital output.

102 MTS Series 793 Control Software

Station Builder
