Scope window controls – MTS Series 793 User Manual

Page 389

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When you move the cursor over the Run button the sweep mode is displayed.

Switching plot modes

When the scope is in the stop state and the scope buffer contains data, you can switch scope plot modes
between Time and X/Y or between Frequency Plot modes to see different views of the same data.


If you switch plot modes from Time or X/Y to Frequency, the data in the scope buffer will be deleted
and you will be unable to view it in any plot mode.

Scope data acquisition

Scope data acquisition stops when you close the scope window. Even though the acquisition stops, the scope
Run/Stop state is not affected. If the scope is in the run state when you close the scope window, acquisition
will start again automatically when you reopen the scope window.

Scope settings

Scope settings are automatically saved with other views when you exit Station Manager. The settings are
not saved if the scope is closed before exiting Station Manager.

Scope Window Controls


Display menu > Scope

MTS Series 793 Control Software 389

Scopes and Meters
