How to select sensor ranges – MTS Series 793 User Manual

Page 287

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How to Select Sensor Ranges

Ensure that you select a range large enough to accommodate the maximum sensor output expected during
a test.

When setting up a test, it is good practice to select a range slightly larger than the largest value expected for
the test. The smaller the range, the better the resolution of the sensor’s signal.

Select a full-scale range to optimize the maximum sensor output for a test.

For example, suppose your test requires a ±2.0 cm displacement. A ±6 cm or ±3 cm range functions properly,
but a ±2 cm range provides the best resolution.

Range example

Suppose a displacement sensor has a full-scale capacity of 10 mm. A ±5 mm range can operate across the
full-scale range of the sensor (±5 mm). A ±2.5 mm range of the same sensor can operate across half the
capacity of the sensor (this redefines full scale to be ±2.5 mm).

Ranges represent a portion of the sensor’s full-scale capacity

MTS Series 793 Control Software 287

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