Remote setpoints, About remote setpoint adjust, How to set up a remote setpoint adjust – MTS Series 793 User Manual

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How to Create a Calculated Input Resource for Auxiliary Inputs

1. In the Station Builder navigation pane, select Auxiliary Inputs.

2. In the Hardware Resources list, select the <<Calculated Input>> resource, and then click +.

3. In the Internal name box, select or type the desired name.

4. Optional—in the Display name box, type the desired name.

5. Set the Dimension and Display Units for the calculated input signal.

6. Use the Station Manager application to define the calculation.

How to Create a Calculated Input Resource for Digital Inputs

1. In the Station Builder navigation pane, select Digital Inputs.

2. In the Hardware Resources list, select the <<Calculated Input>> resource, and then click +.

3. In the Internal name box, select or type the desired name.

4. Optional—in the Display name box, type the desired name.

5. Use the Station Manager application to define the calculation.

Remote Setpoints

About Remote Setpoint Adjust

A Remote Setpoint Adjust (RSA) control is an optional, stand-alone hardware device that uses an encoder
to control actuator setpoints. Access the Remote Setpoints panel to allocate an encoder resource (and its
associated RSA control).

As an option, an Enable Switch tab allows you to assign a digital input to act as a switch to turn the RSA
control on and off.

Password control of RSA enable/disable is available as an option. If the RSA digital switch option is selected,
password control is not available. Password control is activated via the Station Manager Remote Setpoint
Adjust window.

How to Set Up a Remote Setpoint Adjust

1. In the Station Builder navigation pane, select Remote Setpoints to display the Remote Setpoints panel

and Enable Switch tab.

104 MTS Series 793 Control Software

Station Builder
