Rockwell Automation 5730 DriveLogix5730 Controller for PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control User Manual

Page 19

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What is DriveLogix5730?


Specifying task priorities

Each task in the controller has a priority level. The operating system uses
the priority level to determine which task to execute when multiple tasks are
triggered. You can configure periodic tasks to execute from the lowest
priority of 15 up to the highest priority of 1. A higher priority task will
interrupt any lower priority task. The continuous task has the lowest priority
and is always interrupted by a periodic task.

The DriveLogix5730 controller uses a dedicated periodic task at priority 7
to process I/O data. This periodic task executes at the Requested Packet
Interval (RPI) you configure for the CompactBus, which can be as fast as
once every 1 ms. Its total execution time is as long as it takes to scan the
configured I/O modules.

How you configure your tasks affects how the controller receives I/O data.
Tasks at priorities 1 to 6 take precedence over the dedicated I/O task. Tasks
in this priority range can impact I/O processing time. If you configure the I/
O RPI at 1ms and you configure a task of priority 1 to 6 that requires 500


to execute and is scheduled to run every millisecond, this leaves the
dedicated I/O task 500

µs to complete its job of scanning the configured I/


However, if you schedule two high priority tasks (1 to 6) to run every
millisecond, and they both require 500

µs or more to execute, no CPU time

would be left for the dedicated I/O task. Furthermore, if you have so much
configured I/O that the execution time of the dedicated I/O task approaches
1 ms (or the combination of the high priority tasks and the dedicated I/O
task approaches 2 ms) no CPU time is left for low priority tasks (8 to 15).

Important: When using a DriveLogix5730 controller with Compact I/O, all

application program tasks must have an assigned priority of 8
through 15 in order that they do not interfere with the proper
operation of the Compact I/O.

TIP: For example, if your program needs to react to inputs and control
outputs at a deterministic rate, configure a periodic task with a priority
higher than 7 (i.e., 1 through 6). This keeps the dedicated I/O task from
affecting the periodic rate of your program. However, if your program
contains a large amount of math and data manipulation, place this logic in a
task with priority lower than 7 (i.e., 8 through 15), such as the continuous
task, so that the dedicated I/O task is not adversely affected by your

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